So I am way behind on this one... The new seating chart is out for men's basketball:

I have not been to a basketball game at Reed in a long time, so these observations may be years late, but I am liking this set up. 1) They have lined the court with super expensive court side seats. The only people that were court side before were a handful of media-types, which was lame. These seats go a long way to making basketball the fashionable thing to do when you are in College Station. Think Lakers here. You less likely to recognize who is playing next to Kobe than you are who is sitting with Jack court side. 2) No HUGE storage area behind one basket. That was always so Bush league. Putting the band back there on a few levels of risers made it more obvious/obnocsious.
What would I change? Get ride of the $$ seats behind one basket. Make a lottery where 50 students get to stand there the whole game. Call it the Aggie Pit or something. That would be a national icon. Kid would go nuts. There might need to be some sort of cage or plexieglass to prevent a player from plucking one of the hecklers out of the Pit and tearing him in half. Man that would be great. You would get at least a few thousand students to every game, even the ones over Christmas, just for a chance to get into the lottery and stand in the Pit. I am thinking a pre-game "The Price is Right" type of thing where names get called kids come running down from their seats. Someone call $Bill, this idea has legs.
I think it's a great idea, it would definitely get me to go to more games.
it won't be long before the "Reed Rowdies" go big time...the program is on the right track and from all accounts this is the right man to take over...
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