According to the NY times, J-Train has
weight issues and his year-old daughter's love of Chuck E. Cheese isn't helping. WTF? Is there a Chuck E. Cheese in College Station? If there is I am going to be mad. All the time I wasted at Gatti Town could have been well spent at Chuck E. Cheese. Stupid Gatti Town and their stupid lack of giant animatronic mice.
UPDATE] I just looked it up. THERE IS A CHUCK E CHEESE in CS! It is in the mall. I lived across the street from the mall. DOH!
it's probably for the best that you didn't know.
Trust me, the only way you're getting into a Chuck E. Cheese nowadays is if Dateline is using it for a "To Catch a Predator".
Stupid Dateline and their stupid (yet funny) predator catching. I watched it one time where the guys handle was something to the effect of "canirapeyouanally". My question to him is, are you looking for people to say no to that question? Because if someone answers yes then...
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