Monday, July 30, 2007

McGuffie picked Big Blue. Here is a clip of his decision. Beware of the ass clown from He has a flare for the dramatic, mostly when he compares McGuffie to Niel Armstrong. Why not the Aggies? He loves us, but wanted to "experience new things." Maybe ice fishing?


Anonymous said...

and watching this clip at home...on the way in to work this morning...I got to thinking...over the many super high school stars went out of state to play and you really never hear from them??? I would think the list is longer than you might think...the current player would be Drew Tate...former Ag who transfered to Iowa...and the key word there being transfered...most of the names I think of went to Notre Dame...wish the worst for Sam too...

Anonymous said...

Classy post anonymous, really showing that whole "spirit of the game" idea. Idiot.

Drew Tate did quite well at Iowa but didn't have the physical tools to make it to the NFL. He also lost a bit of his mental abilites in his last season, but he was a stud his sophomore and junior years. Good try though. You might want to keep an eye on Sam. I'm sure he'd be happy to prove your wrong and kick your ass.

r said...

Boy, that escalated quickly... I mean, that really got out of hand fast.

Anonymous said...

and you said it yourself..."mental abilites" and "physical tools"...the guys who are super stars might not pan out to be or just fade into the night...too many players leave and not enough schools to get them...what are you talking about the "spirit of the game" so maybe he does not do anything and gets stuck behind everyone else who wants to wear those awful maze and yellow helemts...I was not wishing injury to the would be nice to see guys from the Lone Star state actually prove good talent can leave and make a name for themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!