The baseball team was able to make a late comeback mean something this time. 3 runs in the 8th tied it and 1 in the 9th gave us the W in the final game of the Kansas series. Kyle Nicholson, who lives "for that type of game", pitched the last five innings and allowed only 1 un-earned run. His weekend effort (4 hits and 1 unearned run in 10 innings) was enough to earn him his 2nd Big-12 pitcher of the week honor. As good as he his, Childress knows we can't "continue to do this week-in and week-out with Kyle Nicholson".
Spring drills have started. With "17 starters back, counting the punter and kicker" Fran has his eyes set on the Big-12 championship in SA. If it spring drills seem to be startring a little late it is because they are. Fran waited 2 weeks to kick things off due to the combo of injuries and a new strength/conditioning coach. He thinks the wait "paid dividends. We broke 14 records in the weight room." Looking at the BCS formula, I am a little lost as to which factor depends on weight room records.
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