Sunday, January 21, 2007

Add Mark Schlabach to the chorus of ESPN guys who are singing our praises and putting us in the final four.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

“Unbelievable.. Just heard the t.u. Regents are suing the Aggie owner of the "Saw 'Em Off" logo for copyright infringement. They say our "Saw 'Em Off" logo causes confusion among their consumers, and costs UT sales of longhorn products. Get this- the t.u. lawyers filed this lawsuit just ten days after we beat the hell out of the Horns last November! The owner of the logo is that guy who owns Aggieland Outfitters, Fadi Kalaouze. He has set up a legal defense fund because he has to wage this battle alone. Here is his website: for more information and to support his cause. I checked it out and the t-shirts are pretty cool- just bought a ton of them for my friends to wear- they say, "Saw 'Em Off legal defense fund- Beat the hell out of t.u. And their lawyers!"
Spread the word about the poor sport tea-sips... “