Monday, May 14, 2007

There is a rumor that Bryan Beasley will be transferring. I have no confirmation or link.

Beano Cook from ESPN's SportsNation made note of our less than stellar NFL draft class in his latest chat session...
[The Aggies] should do well since none of their players were drafted in the NFL. Think about that---Albany (NY), Central Connecticut State and Western Oregon each had more players in the draft than the Aggies. As for this season,it is hard to say. Playing Oklahoma, Texas and some of the tough Big 12 teams makes this a challenge.
Yes we know. None of our players were drafted. None of our players were even projected to be drafted. This story is not only old, it was not a surprise when it happened. Let it go. Besides that, spot on analysis Beano. How much do you think he gets paid to say that the Big 12 has good teams?

I have was starting to equate recruiting news with bad news, so it is a great to read that "the Aggies also have hit the ground running with the '08 class." I was almost brought to tears when I read that our "secondary looks like a strong point." I would not be against giving every scholarship we have to d-backs. Anything to keep Tech from picking us apart.

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